Maya Learns Music

Hi, I'm Maya Vazquez and in this channel I share with you my journey with music. I consider myself a curious and self-taught person who loves music. In one way or another it has always been in my life, and a few years ago I decided to navigate these waters and share my process and the enjoyment that learning and discovering the wonder of the musical universe gives me. If you feel identified with that, I'm waiting for you to walk this path together.

Buy the POSTER + the BOOKLET with ALL THE GRAPHICS of the channel here:

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If you know me from my first channel: AUTOGESTION MUSICAL @autogestionmusical I tell you that I continue to provide services and advice on Musical Self-Management (it's my job!) Here is the info always updated:

Now I opened a 3rd channel, for the Podcast “Buen Mate”: @mayadice