Beauty is everywhere simply waiting to be noticed. All we have to do is stop once in a while and take a look around you- smell the roses.
U TUBE is a great medium for both individual expression and association because we are simply reflections of our artistic tastes and creations. Songs are images of the heart, pictures and videos are images of the mind, combined they are a reflection of the soul.
I'm a daydreamer, forever seeking new meaning to both life and love through some unspoken metaphor or song. Most of the photos used in my own U TUBE video collection are posted on the web
Thanks for stopping by and enjoy the rest of your journey through YT world today, a place where we constantly expand our knowledge and appreciation of art, music and whatever subject we care to explore- for where the mouse leads you and keeps you is a reflection of who you are.
Best Regards
Pete Bussell
Shared 10 years ago
Shared 11 years ago
Shared 17 years ago