Hi All!! I created this channel to record and share my journey in my venture with every one.

I am Aaliya Nadaf, I have worked at a corporate previously (never liked it!)

After my son was born I decided to quit work, but something always told me that I can be more than this, I started baking as hobby and it made me happy, I eventually got hooked on it and people loved what I baked. After a lot of thought my second child was born "Cake Chemistry"

It's not easy, there were days when I forgot about it altogether.

Being a mom to a toddler it's very difficult to give an undivided attention to your passion, it will always be a second or sometimes last on the list.

But now I see myself advancing in this venture and i thought why not record my journey and share it out in the world! Part of my motivation ЁЯТЦ

Your inputs and feedback matters please communicate with me through your comments or DMs

Thanks you ЁЯШК