Hi Everybody,

this is just a random channel about things that i enjoy in life that is it; whether it is cars, minecraft, tropical and marine fish, my Doberman, modelling, gaming and my Gopro etc.

This is not where I showcase my work as otherwise you could use my opinions as my business opinions. I am opinionated, I will insult the inferior, and I will point out the stupidity in Humanity if I see it (which it seems there can be a lot of now that the internet gives everyone a voice).

Some Little Things About Me-
- I have worked in unified and wireless communications and technology now for 8 years
- I am arrogant but if you make sure you are always right, then why should anyone think otherwise anyway?
- I will listen to peoples opinions, contrary to what you may think, but it doesn't mean I have to agree with them

...knowledge is power, research everything...