The Business Side Of Relationships

What And Who Is "The Business Side of Relationships"?

What is TBSOR? It's a thousand little moments of conversations bridging together to create a movement to inspire individuals to be their best to build strong and successful relationships. 

Who is TBSOR? We're a village of educated professionals qualified to call ourselves:

- Life Coaches
- Personal Trainers
- Motivational Speakers
- Consultants
- Entrepreneurs
- Spoken Word Poets
- Influencers 

But what we want to be known for is our undying desire to find that Happy Medium between people that can only exist in an...

- Acknowledgment to
- Bring Them 
- Closer Together

That's our ABC Formula to the Success of Relationships.

And for individuals, we're focusing on the dynamics of constantly improving yourself through:

- Focusing On Mental and Spiritual Growth
- Developing Long-Term Financial Plans
- Inspiring Health and Fitness Goals
- Building Relationship IQ and EQ

Welcome to TBSOR!