North Shore Commercial Door

We’ve always been a family business since our inception. We started out 37 years back, when my father got into the door business for the greater Cleveland area.

We see ourselves as part of a “new model” for how manufacturing can recover in places like Cleveland. We think there’s a lesson to be learned and an opportunity to be presented in telling you our story, how we went from a single drawer of sales-goods to buying (recently) an 80,000 square foot building to house our new operations. We’re one of a growing number of industrial businesses that provide a shiny, new spear-tip to the old “Rust Belt”. Family business that we may be, even so, we’re “opening the door” for others to realize that this great city and this great region are going to climb back on their feet faster than some folks would have you believe.
Visit us at or give us a call at 800-783-6112


Shared 4 years ago