Founder member of DARK. Composer of 'Dark Round The Edges' our first album of which there were only 64 original pressings. It has now achieved cult status having been reissued many times in vinyl, CD & download. The original copies can now change hands for prices possibly in excess of £10,000. The last original to come to light sold for £25,000 in January 2017.
I was a qualified pilot back in the '70s & '80s which I financed by playing in a club band for nearly 10 years. I could not afford to keep flying once I started a family, so now satisfy that passion by Flight Simming!
Installed a small Garden pond a few years ago (very small garden)! We lost all 5 original goldfish to a heron in the first month. We replaced with four but one succumbed to a swim bladder condition in June 2013. We now have 3, seemingly happy, goldfish.

I set up the 240lt aquarium featured in the Aquarium section in April 2013.


Shared 4 years ago



Shared 4 years ago



Shared 4 years ago