There is no LionsGate on BarneyIn2014 anymore. Its not allowed. Ever. And its never coming back. Are the Lionsgate all deleted? I think so. I do!
17 videos
Barney End Credits Comparison (Screener vs. Final)
-1 video
Key Grips: BUZ CANNON & STEVE RITCHEY From: I Can Do That!
😀 than The Land Of Make-Believe (Easy Does It!)
3. Audio from Trading Places (Once Upon a Time (home video))
PBS Kids Sprout has English and Spanish!
Big Thanks to Friends for the episodes!
4 videos
November 5, 2015 - Guess what Barney & Friends Going Places! Fully Credits is coming soon!
From: It's Raining, It's Pouring...
From: Hats Off To BJ!
Barney & Friends - Numbers Credits
6 videos
Barney & Friends - Alphabets Credits
3 videos
A World Of Music has NO CREDITS
Barney Theme Song (Tree-Mendous Trees!'s version)
Barney Theme Song (Barney's Pajama Party's version)
What a World We Share Music Video
Barney's Rhyme Time Rhythm! (A "Little" Mother Goose)
Jump and Holdhands lighter body! Everyday!
Hannah's knees
9 videos
Next upload... Barney & Friends I Can Do That part 1".
2 videos
First is "We have to try rope for jump". (1st) on Tuesday!
Second is "Swimming" (2nd) on Tuesday!
One more left of English Version!