Radio-Play Comics is meant to adapt the stories of great old and unadapted comics for a modern video viewing audience. Part summarization, part performance, it's the best way I have to bring the stories I've loved to life for you they way they live for me.

I am also available for voice acting work, and for fellow YouTubers, I can take as little money as you're able to manage, I would just like to branch out more and find work reading audiobooks in the industry or something similar. I can also edit video and would like to find work as an editor, and my work can be seen in several fan edits for free on my Google Drive, linked and described in my numbered sub specials.

Radio-Play Comics episodes go up whenever I manage to finish them, usually less than once a month with my current tech. Also I have a Patreon which features commentary tracks for popular episodes, though only five so far. (I completely ignore the Patreon, it is a vestigial organ now.)