I hope to create a safe space to process all the stuff I'm interested in. I am not an expert in most of the stuff I will be discussing. I am learning as I go too. Be nice to me. And each other. We can agree to disagree RESPECTFULLY, but I have a super reactive trigger and I'm not here for subs so I will remove overtly abusive behaviour.
I am only an expert in my field and I will not be discussing much of that except as it relates to what has happened to me in my career... eventually. Channel content is provided for informational, educational, and entertainment purposes only, and does not amount to medical advice/establishing any provider-client relationship.
All intellectual property that has not been created by That MelMel is either used with permission, and/or as described under Section 29 of The Canadian Copyright Act for ‘Fair Dealing’: laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/c-42/
All views expressed are solely mine and not to be inferred onto any other individual or entity.
Shared 4 months ago
Shared 2 years ago
Shared 2 years ago
Shared 2 years ago