Hi! I'm Scott, your Freelance Graphic Designer, Developer, Copywriter, and Coach.

As a freelancer, I help Founders create beautiful brands, Agencies increase bandwidth, and other Freelancers earn the income they want.

All to build the lifestyle you want!

I use Graphic Design to make it beautiful, Development to make it work, Copywriting to make it attractive, and Marketing to make it sell.

Starting my career in advertising right out of Sheridan College after studying art for 3 years, I dove head first into the industry as both a Junior Designer and a Freelancer.

Freelancing has always been my foundation, as it has given me a sustainable income to grow and shrink as needed.

I went from a Junior Designer to a Creative Director in agencies while freelancing, managing over 50 people within 5 years. I accepted all new opportunities to grow.

Twenty years later, I'm a full-time freelancer and digital nomad with a wife and kids sharing my time between Canada and Brazil.