Years ago I fell in love with Trip Hop. It inspired me to create mixes that I burned on CDs to bring to parties (occurring after the clubs closed, & continuing well past sunrise). I titled them ‘Lance’s Dark Mood Party Mix’, & I always left them behind as gifts for the hosts of those parties (& to spread good tunes). They were very well received, made their rounds, & became the soundtrack to a lot of these after-hours events.

Years later (2016), while reminiscing with friends about those old days, a friend decides to throw a party for old time’s sake & requests that I make new mixes for it (along with playing my old ones). I agreed, & to make things easier I uploaded all my old mixes on YouTube so they could be streamed for the party... and so this channel was born!

While making new mixes for that party, I fell back in love with it all, & I'm now creating mixes again. So here they are… old & new, made for my entertainment and that of my friends. If others enjoy them too... bonus!