My name is Karen Morland and I am the owner of Edens Secret.
I'm a Soap Maker, Bath Bomb Maker and How To Channel.

Thanks so much for stopping by my channel, you are always welcome.
My passion for soap making began 14 years ago, in January 2005
I am a British, Natural, Gourmet, Artisan, Soap-Maker, Bath Goodie Baker, Skin Treat Formulator, Home Fragrance Creator & How-To Video Presenter!
I started my original Youtube Channel in 2008, then began this new one in 2010.
I'm passionate about what I do and hope to pass that passion on to you.

Enjoy your journey with me and if you wish to buy my products you will find them here:-
DONATE - If you would like to donate to this channel, please click the Pay Pal Link above.


Shared 2 years ago



Shared 2 years ago