This is the YouTube page for Hemant Mehta.

Hemant is the founder and editor of, a Youtube creator, and co-host of the Friendly Atheist Podcast. He is a former National Board Certified math teacher and continues to coach a competitive public speaking team. He has written multiple books, published crossword puzzles in the New York Times, and was a Jeopardy! champion.

Hemant has appeared on CNN and FOX News. He has served on the board of directors for Foundation Beyond Belief (a charity organization targeting non-theistic donors) and the Secular Student Alliance (which creates and supports college atheist groups nationwide).

He is the author of I Sold My Soul on eBay and The Young Atheist's Survival Guide. He also edited the book Queer Disbelief. He has also released a podcast called The Supreme Court vs. Church/State Separation, the first season of which was all about the complicated history of the Pledge of Allegiance.