Rural Girl Tales

Hi! Welcome to our peaceful, and calm village.
I try to show a small part of a village life, rural dishes, food recipes, and the farmers' efforts in Iran.
So, If you want to know more about Iranian rural lifestyle, local and traditional food, you are in the right channel.
I try to upload videos every week. Please subscribe and tap the bell button to be notified when I upload a new video.

country life vlog
Village vlog
Cooking in village
Cooking in nature
Cooking recipes
Cooking vlog
Cooking with fire
Campfire cooking
Survival life
Natural agriculture
Rural life in Iran
traditional recipe
Iranian food recipe
Village life style
rural dishes
village life
nomadic lifestyle
iran village life
Cooking food in nature
Cooking Iranian food
Cooking in the village
Cooking Outdoor
Cooking in sadj
Cooking vlog
Cooking Polo
Cooking Rice
Cooking pilaf
kend heyaty
زندگی در روستا
زندگی روستایی
غذای ایرانی
غذاهای محلی
غذاهای سنتی
wilderness cooking
آشپزی در طبیعت