Make sure you check out all my 1972 Ziggy Videos - not all are shown on this front page.

Many of us were too young or weren't able to see David Bowie at his beginning stages. Only small bits and pieces of film have ever surfaced.

These particular videos came to me as SILENT small films. They have been sound synced by me with audio from similar shows of the same year after hours of research and editing to seem as much like the real concert as possible. All the images you see of Bowie are what I have. There was no complete song footage. I stitched the songs together the best I could.

If there's any other footage out there that needs some sound sync, I'd be happy to help. I have access to almost any show's sound through friends! Let's hear Ziggy sing and play guitar again!

Visit davidcantello's channels for some great sound synced Ziggy, 1974 and 1976 footage!