Welcome to the gates of weird and questioning.
Adventure if you dare but know that you have been warned, if you venture to far you may not come back as the same person you were once before.
This channel is a dumping of clip-its of my life and projects here and there that I've melded together with the limited cheap resources I have with me. I would like to say now that most of the content is going to be 18+ due to vulgar languages, joking sexual topics, and spontaneous Travels into the world of adulthood unknown.
I am a part-time worker part-time still learning young adult. I am a HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE Nerd(Anime, Syfy, Disney, Music, Marval, Dungeons & Dragons, Horror Movies, Pokemon, Gamer, etc.) with a love of the forest. A lot of my friends consider me the Bard of Arts & Crafts mostly cause I spend my lazy ass time watching to much on how to do something.
Any who This is my channel and a home for those who just wish to join in, have some fun, relax and be happy.