Right to clear it
Come on, let's here it
Left 8 digits
But don't fidget
Now for the last
Don't go too fast
6 and you're off to class
I didnt ask for diabetes
it Just popped up you see
but now that i got nothing changed im still me
Havin betes just means me and sugar dont mesh
but its all good because im still friky friky fresh word
Oliver: freky-freky-fresh
were walkin down the beach
cuz were mega mega stars
we got girlies to spare
we got tricked out cars
were the malibu crew
and we got each others back
i'm ollie
thats rico
now take it J Mac
Jesse: we got serious bling bling
and baggy-waggy pants
so listen to us sing and
watch the little guy dance
Oliver: go rico
You want some toast I bet you do.. Please add some jam and butter too.. Were out of grape so sad its all your fault you bad dad. You know what son?. ya dad?. You've got nerve.!!!!!