Hello, welcome to my channel!

I do plan on making better videos in the future lol, haven't been able to do one in a long time. :/

I will also be helping out a friend, BigStingman by uploading some music from the game itself, so look forward to it :]

My Runescape username is Drakjd

I am currently level 131 combat

Goal OF 99 HP achieved: February 26, 2009!
(First 99)

My best drops so far:

Bandos Hilt: 1-solod ftw!!
Godsword shard2: solod again!
Abyssal whip: 13
Dark bow: 1-lol
Dragon med helm: 4
Dragon platelegs: 2
Dragon plateskirt: 3
Dragon Spear: 1
Dragon Shield Left Half: 1
Dragon boots: 10+-I think :/
Dragon claws: 2 -wooot!
Dragon armor shard: 1 yay!
Dragon armor lump: 1 :)
Dragon armor slice: 2 wooooh all 3 pieces ftw

~DISCLAIMER~ RuneScape is a registered trademark of Jagex Limited. I do not claim, or have any, affiliation with Jagex Ltd. This YouTube Account was not intended for any personal gain, only for entertainment purposes.