I've always enjoyed traveling and seeing new places but of course, then there's life. After going through a divorce and being a single dad raising 3 boys with full custody, I didn't have alot of time to travel. So as the years past and the kids got older, I had to start thinking about my life. I told friends and family over ten years ago my idea, with the kind of work I do, I can work and travel at the same time. Living in a van down by the river:) Everyone said your crazy, even some thought it was cool but still they just let it go and let me live in my fantasy world. As time past and kids got older, I just couldn't get my idea out of my head. I've watched hours and hours of other people living the van life and started thinking, if I don't do this, I will regret it, so I bought a 1998 Dodge 3500 extended with a high top.
I plan on working, traveling, seeing friends and family along the way. Hopefully I'll meet you as well.