Safehouse Horror

5/27/20 - As the channel nears 1000 subscribers, I'm getting asked for even more diverse Horror content beyond only films. I'm happy to oblige trying anything while keeping the channel squarely set in the context of Horror/Dark content. Other topics I'm exploring due to requests are ideas such as reviews of Horror themed board games, video games, Haunt prop building (I own a HH) and even add some reviews of classic horror films. 'The Rona' has temporarily put a stop to my core work, as my now famous Alienware computers are on loan to close family who needed outstanding computers so they may stay employed by working from home. Maybe its time I just get myself a new hardware upgrade so that I can continue developing projects, striving to learn new editing and film enhancements to continue to post the best looking versions of classic Horror films you will find on YouTube, possibly anywhere...
Lots more to come asap, thank you for being a part of this growing channel.


Shared 5 years ago