Author Nanci L. Danison

I'm a multiple near-death and afterlife experiencer and researcher with college degrees in chemistry/biology, psychology and law. My mission is to share the non-religious information I learned in afterlife visits about our true nature, our Creator, the universe, reincarnation, the purpose of life, what happens after death, heaven, hell, soulless humans, evil, religions, suicide, ghosts, after-death communications, evolution, love and much more.

I am the Author of: "Backwards: Returning to Our Source for Answers," the "Backwards Guidebook," "Backwards Beliefs: Revealing Eternal Truths Hidden in Religion," "Answers From The Afterlife" and "Create a New Reality--Move Beyond Law of Attraction Theory;" which document my afterlife experiences and knowledge. These video clips represent only the tip of the iceberg of the vast amount of information I brought back from the afterlife.

#neardeath #neardeathexperience #nde #evil #reincarnation #purposeoflife #creation #hell #heaven #ghost


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