YMN Music Channel

本頻道各影片的製作由 YMN Music Channel 的團隊,我們精心挑選的音樂進一步提高了速度和頻率,為學習和學習提供了最佳的環境,根據臨床研究和經過大腦實驗,音樂皆由特定的頻率製成的,另一部分的音樂特輯為整合網路上的音樂資源,如有任何版權上的冒犯,請立刻告知。音樂封面為輔助圖像,版權歸於該攝影師和設計師所有。


All the video from our channel produced by YMN Music Channel team, our carefully selected music further enhanced in tempo and frequency to provide the best environment for studying and learning.

We provide these music pieces without ads and interruptions during play.