What's your best advice to someone going to the gym for the first time?

10 months ago | [YT] | 558


Don't compare yourself to everyone else at the gym. Focus only on yourself and your goals. Only compare yourself to who you were the first time you walked in the door!

10 months ago | 62


Everyone was new once! Even that guy or girl you see that is HUGE “muscles” lol they was new once too… when you are uncomfortable and push through… you are growing stronger mentally which you absolutely need to be where you want to be. 🙏🏻🖤 that is

10 months ago | 12


Assuming that they already have a goal i.e. strength training, endurance, hypertrophy etc., that consistency is key. I call it the Hank Aaron approach. A great quote I heard was that “the magic you’re looking for is in the hard work you’re avoiding.”

10 months ago (edited) | 11


Slow and steady, good form is important, BUT you'll get there... And hear your body, don't get injured!

10 months ago | 5


Effort earns respect. Discipline and consistency earns results.

10 months ago | 2


1. Weigh yourself, 2. start with 50-75% of that weight, 3. talk to a trainer or experienced guy at the gym about having good form so you don’t injure yourself, 4. focus on the basic lifts (bench, squat, shoulder press, rows, etc.) 5. get acquainted with the machines/gym equipment, 6. find a reliable accountability partner - preferably someone who’s already been working out consistently for a substantial amount of time, and 7. Interact with the other guys in the gym, some of the best dudes you’ll ever meet are in there 👊🏾

10 months ago | 1


Take it easy. Make it enjoyable. Start building a life long habbit for better health.

10 months ago | 1


Ask for help. The vast majority of "gym bros" would be more than happy to give you tips and make sure you don't get hurt

10 months ago (edited) | 12


If your goal is building muscle, I would say it’s important to learn what true “training to failure” looks like. Don’t just chase the pump. It’s a bit corny but one of my favorite influencers (sean nalewanyj) says “even if you have a gun to your head and someone says do one more rep, failure is not being able to complete that rep.”

10 months ago (edited) | 1


Start with low weight and high reps (10-20) for several weeks to build the muscle memory and mind-muscle connection before going for heavy strength low rep (2-6) stuff

10 months ago | 2


Patience, consistency, and a little bit of self hate go a long way. There's clearly a reason you're there in the first place, focus on it.

10 months ago | 0


Never compare yourself with others, work hard and don't let people mess with you or get into your mind. Discipline and consistency is everything you need.

10 months ago | 6


Honestly, don't kill yourself the first time if you're not used to pain, it'll be unbearable the next day and make you want to quit. Build it up slowly at the start.

10 months ago | 2


If you stay consistent, anything can be accomplished.

10 months ago | 0


Enjoy every workout

10 months ago | 1


Nobody in there worth bothering about is gonna judge you for getting used to the equipment

10 months ago | 2


"Check your ego at the door"

10 months ago | 1


I'll come with you, have fun 😎

10 months ago | 1


New friends 🌟

10 months ago | 0


Never give up, patience

10 months ago | 0