Elsa Rhae & Barron

We celebrated 13 years together this month! It’s a love at first sight story and a very cheesy one at that. We did get legally married a few years ago after buying our land but didn’t note the date and it wasn’t a special event. Our decade long commitment to each other didn’t ever rely on a contract with the government. We did it bc we’d acquired assets together + so we could see each other at the hospital if we got hurt building the house. You know, I actually bought my entire metalsmith kit so I could make us wedding rings! Barron’s was one of the first rings I ever made. I still haven’t found a stone that calls to me for mine. One day we plan to have a party/wedding on our land. We want to have a music festival event and invite our friends and family to camp and be merry. I’m not a party planner so I can’t realistically see that happening for 5+ years, nor are we ready for it to happen any sooner!

Anyway, cheers my love, my best friend. I love you SO MUCH, Barron!!

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