Peter Gabriel

The whole New Blood project really fell off the back of Scratch My Back. Scratch My Back was conceived as a songwriters’ exchange; so you do one of my songs, and I do one of yours…. (When) we came to performing live, I realised I’m going to need more material, I’ve got this orchestra out there with me, so what else are we going to do? Let’s try some of my stuff. And then we started in earnest hammering away at some different songs. I was determined that it shouldn’t be just a sort of ‘Hits goes to the Orchestra’. So we did two things different: one was to try to choose songs that were more textural, more journey songs, more evocative, ambient pieces and less the obviously structured pop songs, and the second thing we did was, we threw away the rock band; most people when they do orchestral projects keep the rock band and add orchestra, but we took away guitar, we took away bass, we took away drum kit, and in a way that meant that we were more committed and had only to use the colours of the palette of the orchestra. - pg
New Blood, released 10 October 2011.

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