Healthy Ever After

From A CANCER Survivor To BECOMING the FITTEST Man On The Planet! | Boo Lifestyle Age 70

11 months ago | [YT] | 236



11 months ago | 0


His face looks like the average 55 to 60 year old man in Switzerland looks today. But his body stance is awesome! Better than most men on planet earth have. I'm 52 and wish I had an athletic physique too. Similar to a competitive swimmer, a Greek athlete or a legionnaire of the French Foreign Legion looks. with respect Marcel πŸ˜ŒπŸ™ Switzerland

11 months ago (edited) | 0


Genetics, Age, Bad Luck (or Good luck) and Lifestyle. The ONLY one anybody has any control over is lifestyle. Accept this as fact and move on.

11 months ago | 3


News flash. You don't look 40

11 months ago | 1


I survived cancer

11 months ago | 0


He doesn't look 40.

11 months ago | 1


You don’t look 40

11 months ago | 0