Cass Thompson Career Advice

As soon as I started One Hello (my new company), I knew I wanted to create a membership as part of this new venture.

Somewhere where we could chat and know each other better and work alongside one another.

And where I could share teaching that maybe I don't give other places or just in a more organized manner.

I knew I wanted this, but I didn't know exactly what it would look like.

And obviously it would include authentic networking in some capacity, but I didn't want to start another networking membership, where you meet up with random strangers with some loose connection, and hope that somehow this group will help further your professional goals.

I actually think those memberships have their place (and I’m a part of a few), but that’s not what I wanted this to be. I wanted it to be different… I just wasn’t sure in what way.

Well, you all helped me figure it out.

A couple of months ago, I asked on social media, “What is the hardest part of networking?”

The resounding answer was keeping up with contacts.

Because here's the thing: People make those first calls. They make that first Zoom call or that one coffee, or they meet at an event, and then they never talk again.

The struggle is in keeping up, right?

I realized I don't need to create a membership where you're meeting even more people.

This is a membership to help you build, grow and deepen your OWN professional relationships.

I want to help you get deeper with the network you've already started and then add more people to it.

To help you take connections from one-off chats to actually growing different relationships.


So that we create new opportunities for ourselves and for them.

But I get why keeping in touch is the hardest part.

Networking is something that gets put on the back burner.

It is also something that, a lot of times, feels like a dirty word.

Like you're a user, or you're just transactional, so you put it to the side.

Well, that is what we're going to help bring to the front again.

This membership was created to help you make the time.

To put people as a priority again, and become a better relationship builder in the process.

My goal through this membership is that you will grow in your own authentic relationship building to create more opportunities for yourself and for others.

I truly can't wait to see what opportunities come from this group. I can't wait for people to come back from putting in the time, developing these relationships, and saying, “Guess what? I got a new podcast guest spot.” “I got that speaking gig.” “I got that client.

And things like...

“I got to help somebody get a book deal.” “I got to help her get a promotion.”

If you are interested in hearing more about the Society and what is included, go to to learn more!

2 months ago | [YT] | 3