Jack of all trades, master of none• SCALETTA •• Ogni martedì caricherò un video dei giochi che sto trattando al momento a rotazione• Il venerdì e la domenica pomeriggio mi potete trovare live su Twitch cercando il canale Vale93baLive
10 videos
Nioh 2 by Vale93ba
11 videos
Chernobylite by Vale93ba
14 videos
Animal Crossing: New Horizons
13 videos
Pokemon Violetto by Vale93ba
2 videos
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild by Vale93ba
15 videos
Nioh by Vale93ba
17 videos
Bioshock Collection by Vale93ba
20 videos
Wasteland 3 by Vale93ba
4 videos
Lupo Solitario by Vale93ba
8 videos
Green Hell
7 videos
The Forest by Vale93ba
-1 video
Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning by Vale93ba
The Sinking City by Vale93ba
12 videos
Final Fantasy 7 Remake by Vale93ba
Ghost of Tsushima by Vale93ba
43 videos
Persona 5 Royal by Vale93ba
45 videos
Monster Hunter World by Vale93ba & Friends
Vampyr by Vale93ba
149 videos
The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim by Vale93ba
9 videos
The Sims 4 by Vale93ba
Digimon World: Next Order by Vale93ba & BloodyRose
3 videos
Dragon Age Origins
50 videos
Tales of Symphonia Chronicles by Vale93ba
Call of Cthulhu by Vale93ba
Devil May Cry Saga by Vale93ba
37 videos
Red Dead Redemption 2 by Vale93ba
31 videos
Chronicles of Asteria (D&D) Stagione 1 by Vale93ba & Friends
Divinity Original Sin 2 by Vale93ba
Fire Emblem: Three Houses by Vale93ba & BloodyRose
The Long Dark by Vale93ba