
Baba Yooba


One of the valuable lesson I learnt from my transitioned Oluwo.

“E ṣi dede ẹbun ri bẹbẹnawo mẹ mu gba.
Nọpọnọpọ igba, ẹbun mẹ mu di panpẹ rẹ ni" Says my Oluwo

He speaks to me only in Ijẹbu which is my default dialect.

“It is not every gift that a Babalawo receives. Many times, gifts are like traps. Don’t fall for it.”

That’s the translation.

So in the wake of my practice, knowing I will not be hidden away in one mud house, I ensured a financial stability by buying farmland for various crop plantings.

It was important for me to be able to feed myself and others because my lot is to speak the unspeakable and dismantle the superstitious aspect of African Spirituality.

I was aware of the hate and low patronage of my present life. But I just do not care.

Born into Islam.
Became a Pastor.

I have absorbed enough deceit and identity crisis in my lifetime.

This made me one of the craziest person to gift something to with the intention of controlling me.

I have a gift room in my house and a rule that guides it.

“All gifts must pass through the 6months caveat time before usage”.

In case the giver chose to be naughty, your gift would be handed back still wrapped in manufacturer’s brand.

There are some gifts I do not collect at all.

I have turned down a 5star hotel costing 200k per night before.

I have turned down an offer of free service as a personal assistant before.

I have turned down a gift of bullet proof car before.

Unexplainable monetary gifting from unknown sources has been reported to EFCC before.

And oh, many sexual advances that was not interesting to me too

It happened that all of those above are Trojan Horses meant to do their exact bidding of traps

I wonder how many well meaning visionary men and women have allowed a little fart mess up their future

It is true that it is not easy
But you see, try your best to resist

It is the first thing a Babalawo must have

You will have so much people coming to you, so much women flocking around, so many rich people wanting to court your favor.


Resistance will save you from disgrace.

And if you should fall, let it be minimal, understandable, and humane.

2 years ago | [YT] | 135

Baba Yooba



Useful in making spiritual charms that wade off evil and negative energies.

After preparation, it is tied at the entrance of the house or doorpost.

Whoever comes with good intentions will either turn back or risk his or her charm getting neutralized.

It is also used against epidemic like measles, chicken pox, and other airborne diseases.


This is a sponge gourd a.k.a luffa cylindrical or aegyptica found wildly in Africa and also grown in Asian and America.

It is known to have numerous uses and benefits not limited to medicinal only but also useful and very cheap way of decontaminating water and may also enhance mineral content of the drinking water in the filtering process.

Research states it is rich in many minerals that have shown to be good in controlling our BP, cholesterol, inflammation particularly relating to rheumatism, antibactericidal/viral properties, aiding in digestion due to high fibre content and prevention of constipation.


There is healing in your backyard.
Reduce the chemical intakes.

Ire o!


2 years ago | [YT] | 76

Baba Yooba


Others call it Self-Reflection.

To created the life you truly want, you need to stop:

1. Looking up to the sky
2. Expecting divine intervention
3. Shifting responsibility to others
4. Blaming anyone for your situation
5. Comparing your journey with other’s adventures.

It’s all in your hand to draw the perfect picture you would be impressed to display to the world to see.

Ire o!


2 years ago | [YT] | 89

Baba Yooba

EDUCATION…that is what we are all made of.

Some call it ADAPTATION, but clearly, that is the end result of being exposed to a certain kind of data, information, and or environment.

A child born in a Muslim family will never know of the supernatural beyond Allah if he did not venture out of that terrain to absorb another set of education.

Same goes for the Jew and Christians and the Buddhist and the what have you.

For all of us, we were taught about the existence of God, Satan, Hell, Heaven, Afterlife, Resurrection, and whatever it is that bring fear to you right now.

These are the things that limit your capacity and reduce you to a pun.

These are Lions, real Lions.

Given the natural blank cheque, I am their food.

A perfect meal for them.

But what you see here is a product of education.

The King of the Jungle has been educated to live as a pet in the hood.

That is the purpose of all education.

To Doctor and Adulterate the wild in you into becoming a tamed being.

The doctrines of your religion, the constitution of your nation, the construct of your society, all are weapons of mass destruction aimed at making you ordinary when you are destined to be God.

The purpose, just like these Lions, is to make money off you for the comfort of the elites.
Away from the serious talks, there is enough thrill in the continent of Africa that you can explore.

Go for that Ancestral Pilgrimage once in a while and see the land that your ancestors walked on before you.

Be as close to your fear enough to see that it is what it is - just fear, not reality.

Demystify the narratives cooked with superstition and disrupt the world.

Our planet crave your madness and abnormalities.

Let the memories of these adventures entertain you on your death bed.

Sing with the trees.
Walk with the Lions.
Run with the Clouds.
Whisper with the Moon.
Shine with the Sun.
Flow with the Waters.
Be in and with Nature.
Be one with the Universe.

These are vital for your spiritual rejuvenation.

Ire o.


2 years ago | [YT] | 125

Baba Yooba

Ẹnu ni mo ba wọle
Furọ ni mo bọna mi gba
Ojule ni mo bawa
Ẹyinkule ni mo bẹru mi gba
Oku oru ki n ri oju ọjọ
Ademodo kan kii ri ọyẹla
Adifa fun Lamọnrin ti n lọ lee ṣolugbala Lakaṣegbe.
Ọbara-Ọsẹ lo ni kẹẹ ma ṣẹju mọmi lara nitori
Ala ti aja ba la, inu aja ni be
Ọrọ hunruhunrun ni tinu ẹlẹdẹ
Bi pẹpẹyẹ na jokuta, omi ni fi n ṣu
Agbejuulẹ lọmọde n gbegi eleera

Food ingested through the mouth comes out through the Anus.
I will not depart through the means I arrived.
A corpse buried in the night never sees the day again.
Anything covers with mortar never sees the sunlight.
According to the divination of Lamonrin who wants to save Lakasegbe.
He was asked to fortify himself and be sensitive so he does become the victim of circumstances and ransom for another person’s life.

In this month of January, Ifa speaks to us via this story:

Lakaṣegbe (meaning, the one who is being consumed) fell ill and was at the point of death with no cure. As a king, he requested the presence of all Babalawo but they could not help until someone recommended Lamonrin (meaning, the one with the knowledge and who arrives on time).

Before Lamonrin went, he made divination to know how to behave himself on that journey and he was told to not return through the way he went. He must change direction. He must be very discreet and assume the element of the Wind. He was also told that the person behind Lakasegbe ailment is close to him.

When Lamonrin got there, he did his divination and asked the King to provide these (you should too):

One Matured Rooster (Akukọ Adiyẹ)
One Matured Grasscutter (Okete)
Envelope of Highest Denomination of money to be given to 21 Elderly Women.

(The Rooster and the Grasscutter would be used to do Ori Bibo and killed, the meat shared with people around after the concerned person has eaten out of it. (Ebọ Ẹyọnu Awọn Iya))

He was asked to activate Ogun, the energy of victory.

He was asked to appease the earth so it can swallow those against him.

He was asked to do the rite of the Sun so that his days can be renewed.

(Consult your Babalawo for more explanation on how to do the above.)

Lamonrin followed the back door and left after the whole exercise. Towards the evening, a certain elderly woman came to see Lakasegbe asking about the Babalawo that entered his palace. She was told that he has departed since morning.

This woman went back home and on that night died. The following morning, Lakasegbe became whole again.

If the old woman has met Lamonrin to return the meats and money, Lakasegbe would have died of that ailment and Lamonrin would have assumed the position of Lakasegbe as an unhealthy person.

In this month of January, Ifa is telling us to:

1. Be careful even though we are the master of the game because overconfidence can kill a skillful person.

2. To seek divination to persistent situation in our lives that we are sure are not natural occurrences.

3. To not give up on our efforts to find solution to the challenges of our life because it is out there. We may encounter few falsehood but there is truth somewhere there.

4. To be extra sensitive about those you offer help to so you don’t saddle yourself with another man’s burden to the point of being sacrificed for them.

5. To listen to the instructions of the Ifa as the compass in this vast Universe.

May you experience victory in the areas of your challenges this month.


Aboru bọ yẹ o
Aboye la n bọ ori
O gbo a tọ
Iwure iwori
Isure Iwofun.

2 years ago | [YT] | 52

Baba Yooba

Also known as OGBE-SURU taught man the concept of contentment and I am going to simplify it to you today using this beautiful story:

Once upon a time, a certain stone cutter who worked hard in his mason profession got fed up of hard work with no riches so he decided to consult a Babalawo who warned him that forceful wealth can bring dangerous power which may become his destruction.

“I do not care at this point of my life”. The mason replied.

So the Babalawo told him to make a sacrifice that will provoke the spirit of the untapped forest which he did.

He went to the house of a rich man one day to deliver a job and saw how nice the palatial home was furnished and he said to himself “how I wish it is me living in this luxury”.

Unknowingly to him, the spirit of the untapped forest has become his guide. So when he got home, his shattered hut has expanded and he is now the owner of a luxurious home.

One day, while taking fresh air in his veranda, he saw a prince riding on the horse with his servants covering him with umbrellas to hide him from the scorching sun and he said “how I wish I am a prince, living and enjoying a royal life like this one”.

Immediately, he found himself being honored by the King and promoted to the status of an adopted prince.

One day, while riding around town, he realized that no matter the coverage over him, the Sun still penetrate and scorch his skin and so he said “how I wish I am the Sun, beating down heat on everything without feeling hot”.

Immediately, he became the Sun, blaring his heat on the plants and animals till everything dried up.

One day, a thick cloud was strolling in the sky and covered the ray of the Sun and he said “how I wish I can be a cloud of rain and I will dull everything without being depressed”

Immediately, he became the cloud of rain and started blasting everything with storm and flood.
Everything was carted away in the flood except a mighty rock that did not move an inch.

Then he said, “how I wish I am the mightiest rock and nothing on earth will move me”.

Immediately, he became a mighty rock. A rock so fine that it attracts stone cutters.

A stone cutter came one day and started cutting down the part of it that he needs for his mason work. Each cut gave this rock a great pain. Having had enough of the pain, he shouted “ordinary stone cutter, that is all I ever want to be, this pain is too much to bear even though I am a mighty rock that can never be moved but this tiny man has humbled me greatly”.

Immediately, he became a stone cutter, back to his humble beginning, back to his little hut, no money, no fame, no power, but now contented.

He learnt these lessons:

1. Not to despise the days of humble beginning

2. Not to judge his worth by another man’s standard or achievement.

3. Not to covet power of any kind.

4. Not to ignore the warnings of Ifa.

5. To trust the process so as not become a wretch after enjoying wealth.

This is the absolute interpretation of OGBE-SURU from my own knowledge. It would do you go to apply it to your own life too.

Ire o!

2 years ago | [YT] | 123

Baba Yooba


In Oṣù Agẹmọ (July) 2021, we reconstituted this ancestral practice of welcoming the start of a new year just as our ancestors did.

ANYF21 marked the beginning of us reconnecting our energies to our divinity and to the nature that surrounds us. Our gathering at Òkè Òrìṣà, Ibadan, was a celebration in honour of our ancestors as well as ourselves.

ANYF21's theme was "The Homecoming", but to further align ourselves with the thoughts of home, we must also understand the impact of our absence from the African continent.


The black race is scattered across the world. More importantly, she is eager to leave and abandon her motherland to places far and wide where she's not accepted and often disparaged.

Home is "hot", abroad is hostile, the black race seem lost.

What is the impact of this confusion, to her past, the present and the shape of the future?

ANYF22 will be a 4-day event starting 2nd July to 5th July, and with a full program of events.

To register your interest in attending ANYF22, please visit -…

May the energies of the Ancestors burst forth within us.


2 years ago | [YT] | 53

Baba Yooba

Dear Daughter,

In 2022, note that your price is beyond that of precious stones and treasures in the deep seas.

The world may not see it but I do.

I do see beyond your beauty into what they are made up of - the very many pains that characterized your perceived “soft life”.

The pain of menstrual cycles.
The pain of ovulation.
The pain of each thrust that are later converted into pleasure during sexual intercourse.

Pardon my not mentioning the pain of “becoming” a woman at your first encounter of consummating your passion and the rigors of both pregnancy and delivery.

The pain of being stared at when your chest first started budding and your bum started shooting out.

How odd you felt.

What you wished you could give to avoid that unwanted attentions and unnecessary comments.

How you have ever since attracted both the bad, the worse, and the evil, just because you are a woman.

Your many heartbreaks for loving too much and the war against the society for its destructive constraints regarding you just because you are a woman.

In all of these, you have triumphed and managed to stay alive.

Now, let not this life within you prove them right about you being a weak or weaker vessel.

Nothing weak can retain life under the magnanimity of the pains you wear so effortlessly.

Soooo…do me a favor.

Add these to the list of your rule for living:

1. I shall not agree with the definition of the society about who I am as a woman, rather, I will satisfy my curiosity as a human and live as I deemed suitable.

2. I shall not use having a man as a yardstick of being qualified as a woman.

3. When and if I do have a man, I shall not settle with one struggling with under/overconfidence in any area of his life.

4. I shall not team up love with a man that is not equally financially sustainable (as I am).

5. I shall not objectify myself or present me in a way to provoke sexual adventures instead of intellectual discussions.

6. I shall not use what is trending to gauge my level of success.

7. I shall not weaponize my vagina as a tool to make wealth but earn an honest living through honorable means even if it requires going into a male dominated profession.

8. I shall not be pressured by age or sexual desires to settle for less.

9. I shall not allow loneliness to drive me back into the arms of the one who walked out of my life.

10. I shall invest more on self discovery and spiritual rejuvenation.

These are not things to be considered if you must be valued again, especially in this age of the Aquarius.

They are a necessity and new prerequisites to be able to dine and wine with the big boys.

Put an end to the days of running kitikiti (Helter) and katakata (Skelter)

A real woman deserve to drink water and drop her cup.

This is how things will go onward.

May you have a bambam (Enjoyable) year.

2 years ago | [YT] | 130

Baba Yooba

Try not to dull the sensitivity of your energy by suppressing your body with medications.

When you move away from fire, the heat subside.

Don’t stay in fire and quench your body with water. You will boil faster and that’s what is happening to a lot who live on medication instead working on relocation.

There is a perfect spot for your body to function effectively. Find it.

There are people who enhances your manifestation, move towards them.

In African Spirituality, TOLERANCE have limitations. Its threshold stop at the point it started affecting your peace of mind.

Ire o!


2 years ago | [YT] | 112

Baba Yooba

Light and Darkness are one and the same.

This is also true for Good and Evil, Joy and Sorrow, Life and Death, including Success and Failure.

They are one in two.
They come together inevitably.

It’s like cherishing the image attached without recognizing the role the shadow plays to make a good pictorial representation of my gesticulation.

While it is easy to spend a lifetime on what can be easily seen, ignoring of the shadow that created the perfect contrast is to cast away totally the illumination that revealed the image.

Having a moving shadow (troubles, challenges, or unpleasantness) is an indication of active life.

Once your shadow stay static, unmovable, you are dead and gone!

Embrace your darkness and your life will shine.

Face your fear and you will be confident.

Reconcile with Death and you will live.

NB: The role of Ifa is to point individual to what their Ori align with. Ifa is a different entity from Ori. While Ori picked other colors for some, Ori picked black for selected few. Either they follow the creeds and teachings Ifa or not, doing what aligns with their Ori is what will yield them desired results.

The above is intended to address the reason why I always wear black.
It is beyond fashion for me.
It is a reminder for me about my duty to all Africans.

Ire o!


2 years ago | [YT] | 106