Catholic News, Discussion, and information.


The Catholic Church in Hospice Care

Dear Friends: There will be no Remnant Underground this week because we are in Rome covering the Synod on Synodality. Here are links to recent reports, starting with the latest:

The Synod is stupid, yes, but it's not historically insignificant. It's total revolution against two thousand years of Catholic Church teaching and practice. How are they getting away with it?

Look at it as hospice for the Catholic Church in her human element. She's in critical condition, thanks to the disastrous Vatican II and the New Mass. Sixty years later, the world has given up any hope for her recovery, the grieving family feels betrayed and so has mostly drifted away, and nothing is happening in the hospice unit now except for clinical busywork of a few strangers who never actually knew the patient personally but whose job is to keep her comfortable until she passes.

Every now and then, Dr. I. M. Modernist stops by to make sure the patient is properly sedated. He checks the morphine I.V., angrily runs off a few straggler visitors who are asking uncomfortable questions about treatment protocol, and as he disappears down the hall he repeats his cancelation orders for any additional drug therapies recommended by TLM Regional Hospital protocol.

Anyway, that's how it all strikes me as I sit in the Vatican press office and listen to the end-of-life "experts" speak in hushed tones about how we must "journey" with the patient on her "pathway" right up to the end of life. This is, after all, what Synodality is all about.

Will they have the last word, these dangerous weirdos? Of course, not. Why not? Well, watch and share my Synod reports from Rome. This death watch is far from over.

In Christo Rege,
Michael J. Matt

21 hours ago (edited) | [YT] | 226


Can We Handle the Truth?

Dear Friends: In the name of protecting ourselves from worse persecution, to what extent can we morally vote for compromise on abortion and gay marriage?

In the new Remnant Underground, this is the question I ask His Excellency Bishop Athanasius Schneider -- a survivor of the Soviet gulag, and one who knows what it means to suffer under a tyrannical regime.

This is where the rubber meets the road. Question is: Can we handle the truth? Check it out and let me know what you think:

In Christo Rege,
Michael J. Matt

P.S. Don’t forget: Karen at YouTube is still restricting our content. Catch our videos first and completely unedited at our own privately funded platform:

1 week ago (edited) | [YT] | 552


Michael Matt Interviews Candace Owens

Dear Friends: When you take the righteous cynicism of the millennial and combine it with the crusading spirit of the traditionalist, you get a degree of Catholic "badassery" that might just take down the revolution.

If you were one of those quick to take the Christophobic media's word on how "terrible" she is, this is your chance to see what Candace Owens is really all about.

Watch and share my new interview with Candace and her husband George Farmer.

In Christo Rege,
Michael J. Matt

2 weeks ago (edited) | [YT] | 414


An Unsettling Leak from a Trusted Source Close to Team Trump

Dear Friends: "This is a spiritual war!" -- I suspect every honest person is at least open to the possibility, even if the Vatican seems blissfully unaware of it.

In this week's Underground, I juxtapose the weird papal silence on the global spiritual war with a clarion call from a whistleblower during a congressional hearing on weaponizing the FBI: "Pray the Rosary," he said, "make the First Friday Devotion, and read the Bible every day!"

BOOM! Another day, another guy out there sounding more Catholic than the pope! Check out my new Underground:

Also in this week's show: A disturbing leak from a trusted source close to Donald Trump. Sadly, it seems that Melania Trump's decision to advocate for abortion rights may be just the tip of the iceberg.

Finally, two new interviews -- one of Candace Owens, the other of Bishop Athanasius Schneider. Both address this spiritual war that has the world by the throat, with Bishop Schneider warning against any political cooperation with evil in the face of "new paganism rising in the west."

Since time is running out, I hope you'll share this week's Underground -- especially the extremely time sensitive Trump leak:

In Christo Rege,
Michael J. Matt

P.S. Don’t forget: Karen at YouTube is still restricting our content. Catch our videos first and completely unedited at our own privately funded platform.

P.S. Don’t forget: Karen at YouTube is still restricting our content. Catch our videos first and completely unedited at our own privately funded platform

2 weeks ago (edited) | [YT] | 378


Francis Cancels the Last Crusade
Dear Friends: A few weeks ago, Pope Francis told the world that all religions are paths to the same God. He did not attempt to define what he means by “god”, preferring instead to let the world believe that God is created in the image and likeness of Man:

The God of Surprises strikes again: Nobody needs to be a follower of Jesus Christ in order to be saved.

This is an abomination. After 60 years of Vatican II theological goo, the Catholic world hardly bats an eye at this papal obscenity. Even Pope John Paul II referred to what we are living through as the Great Apostacy, and now Francis is confirming it. The reason the Catholic world has lost all sense of what it is to be Catholic is because the architects of the Church of Vatican II abandoned the very idea of Christians being soldiers of Jesus Christ. In the end, they swapped the crusader for the climate activist.

My point? Without something to fight for—without the Crusade—the Catholic army abandoned the field and the world descended into hell because of it. Something similar is happening right now with the last bastion of Bible-based social conservatism in America, what we might call America’s Last Crusade:

In my new Underground, I attempt to explain what is ultimately at stake in the upcoming election. This video doesn’t tell you or anyone else how to vote—how you vote is none of my business. But something much larger (and with permanent ramifications) is at stake. The enemies of God are intent on cancelling our Last Crusade.

And if they are successful, young Americans will have nothing left to fight for, nothing left to die for, and nothing left to live for. Then the triumph of the Prince of this world will be complete.

To understand what the Last Crusade is, and what we can do to stop this horrific eventuality, please watch this Underground all the way to the end. And may God help us all!

In Cristo Rege,
Michael J. Matt

1 month ago | [YT] | 719


Stop the Compromise

Dear Friends:
Yes, Kamala Harris is a bloodthirsty and empty-headed political monster.

Yes, I know all about Tim Walz – he’s the Minnesota governor who locked my family down and shut us out of our churches during COVID.

Yes, I know what these Democrats intend to do with the borders, free speech, and Second Amendment rights. I know all about it.

I also know what it means to be afraid of their sinister agenda. I know exactly what they have in mind for my newspaper and my homeschool -- they will shut us down if they can.

So, there's no need for anyone to remind me of what's going to happen when Harris wins (I say "when" and not "if" because I honestly believe Trump will lose in November unless he takes steps to regain the undivided support of his base).

I am even more concerned about what is going to happen to this country now that the Bible-based Christian moral issues (such as a strong defense of life and traditional marriage) have been removed from the 2024 GOP platform.

I am even more concerned that both Donald Trump and JD Vance have expressed total support for IVF and the abortion pill Mifepristone – which is responsible for 63 percent of all abortions in America today.

I am concerned, by the way, not because I don't realize that the Democrats are worse. Of course, they are! They're Democrats and they sold their souls to the devil years ago. I'm concerned because for the first time in 40 years the right to life of the unborn has been nixed by the good guys.

I am concerned because the right to life will now have no protection from any major political party in America. That right has been removed, as has the traditional definition of marriage as between one man and one woman.

The ramifications of this abandonment of the defense of the family – the nucleus of society – are dire indeed.

What do to? Well, that's the subject of this week's Underground, wherein I take your questions on what is happening, why it is happening, and what we can do about it:

Please Note: In this video, I am NOT telling you how to vote. How you vote is your business, NOT MINE. I am asking you to join me, however, in demanding the GOP and Team Trump put an end to this disastrous compromise before it's too late. It's morally unacceptable, of course, but it also constitutes political suicide since Team Trump will lose again if they continue down this road.

Please watch and share this video while there’s still time to change the situation: Remember the Democrats changed their CANDIDATE just a few weeks ago. Surely, the Republicans can change their platform back to where it was in 2016 when they pulled off the biggest political upset in living memory.

In Christo Rege,
Michael J. Matt

P.S. We have set up an emergency petition at, demanding that Team Trump reinstate the pro-life, pro-marriage, pro-God planks to the Republican platform while there's still time. Please sign that petition here:

1 month ago (edited) | [YT] | 42


Don't Abandon Us, Mr. Trump

Dear Friends: Here’s to hoping my critics will watch the new Underground before attacking me for what they think I might be saying:

So, two quick points: First, on what happened, and then on what’s going to happen.

What happened: Still reeling from the 2022 midterm disaster, Team Trump made the decision to move away from the pro-life platform which they’d decided was a losing horse. They underestimated the extent to which Operation Warp Speed had disillusioned their own base, but that’s another matter.

In any case, Team Trump concluded that since the Democrats want to make this a single-issue election about abortion and women’s reproductive “rights,” they could beat a feeble Joe Biden without recourse to the pro-life base. Trouble is, the Democrats saw them coming and pulled Biden out of the race just in time.

Kamala Harris is “black,” she’s a woman, she’s not hard to look at and, most importantly, she’s not Joe Biden. So, the media was able to quickly transform her into the “current thing.” And the rest is history, as they say, since Kammy the Kommie is now either leading, or running within the margin of error against Donald Trump.

Astonishing, isn’t it, when considering how clueless she is? But that's how powerful the media are in this country. With enough time, they could convince a majority to vote for a can of corn.

Given the media’s feverish drive to push the Democrats over the finish line -- using lies, fake news, cheating, whatever – Team Trump now finds itself in an actual race. Quietly pulling out of purple states they’d initially thought they could snag, the Trump campaign is not as confident now as when the decision was made to cut the pro-lifers by supporting the abortion pill (Mifepristone), IVF, and contraception.

That’s what happened. Now, to what’s going to happen.

Between now and the election, Team Trump will make a dramatic pivot back to the pro-life base. My guess is that this will happen sometime between now and mid-October.

What do we do in the meantime? Speak now or forever hold our peace. If Trump loses in November, that will be on us for failing to call him back to his duty to defend the unborn.

In the unlikely event that Trump wins in November – after having sold out his pro-life base – the pro-life movement will never recover and will have become a politically irrelevant liability to every “conservative” contender from now on. That’s when we become just like Europe, and the wrath of God will be on us all.

Either way, we need to speak out now, reminding Mr. Trump that we stood with him through it all. We gave him the “W” in 2016, people went to prison for him in 2020, and we’ve all earned the right to demand more from him here in 2024. And that’s what we intend to do from now until he returns to the pro-life position that got him elected the last time and without which, I believe, he cannot win this time.

This is not about the “lesser of two evils,” or winning the next election. This is about the future of the Christian America and the survival of the pro-life movement as a political force in this country.

Please Note: I’m not telling anyone how to vote. I’m trying to dispassionately lay out Catholic principles on which we can all decide how to vote, according to our consciences, and with something more serious than: “Kamala Harris is worse than Donald Trump!” Indeed, she is! But there’s more to this than that.

We’ve got two months to force the issue. We do not need to decide this right now, and we don’t need to let it divide us.

So, let’s talk it through and let us disband the circular firing squad. I hope you’ll watch the entire Underground this week, and then let me know what you think:

In Christo Rege,
Michael J. Matt

1 month ago (edited) | [YT] | 994


Pax Vobiscum

Dear Friends: In this week’s Underground, I attempt to make the case that the sensus Catholicus must ultimately trump everything else, even politics. I think most traditional Catholics would normally agree. So, why are so many of them tearing each other apart over the upcoming U.S. presidential election? Because we’re being manipulated.

When it comes to the so-called “ruling Elite,” we're all at the mercy of madmen, or baby killers, or narcissists, or outright haters of everything we believe. Wanna break their stranglehold? Take a step back, breathe, and stop anathematizing your brothers in Christ who are also trying to do the right thing.

I realize St Thomas Aquinas made provisions for voting for the lesser of two evils, but I suspect the Angelic Doctor never imagined a Godless political regime like the one in which we find ourselves incarcerated today. So, I don’t blame good people – even those who love Aquinas as much as I do -- for struggling with this even still.

So, how about this? If you can’t in good conscience vote for the lesser of two evils because you don’t want to vote for evil at all -- even when it’s described as ‘voting for the good' – then don’t! I get it! Keep the Faith, and you’re welcome at my fire anytime.

If, on the other hand, you believe you must in conscience vote for the lesser of two evils to protect your family and your country as best you can, then vote! I get it. Keep the Faith, and you’re welcome at my fire anytime.

Only God knows your heart. We are talking about deeply personal matters of the soul and conscience here -- matters that can and must be discussed, but on principle -- not personal judgment. Virtue-signaling Karens on both sides, in other words, only contribute to the polarization, especially when sound moral guidance from our shepherds is practically nonexistent.

In my new Underground, I attempt to discuss big (Catholic) picture. Whether you agree with me or not, I hope you share my desire to at least try to put an end to this circular firing squad. After all and whatever happens in November, we’ll still be sharing this same foxhole long after the election has come and gone.

Please watch (especially to the end) and let me know what you think:

In Christo Rege,
Michael J. Matt

P.S. Don’t forget: Karen at YouTube is still restricting our content. Catch our videos first and completely unedited at our own privately funded platform --

2 months ago (edited) | [YT] | 859


Send in the (Evil) Clowns

It's official: The Dems have become a coven of religious fanatics. They are single-issue as hell, and the rocket fuel of their satanic cult is the blood of the unborn.

In my new Underground: I cover the unfolding story of the Satanic Temple suing the state of Texas over the "heartbeat law" which, according to the Satanic Temple, violates their First Amendment religious liberty rights.

Yes, you read that right! They consider abortion to be an important religious ritual.

So no wonder Kamala Harris chose Tim Walz as her VP – the first governor in the country to react to the Dobbs decision by signing an executive order enshrining unrestricted abortion as a fundamental right.

No wonder Kamala Harris came to Minnesota to formalize her political alliance with Governor Walz at a very public ceremony inside of a – wait for it! – Planned Parenthood clinic.

Yes, you read that right, too, and it's all in the new Remnant Underground:

Obviously, this is not politics any longer This is the fanatic zealotry of religious extremists and it is for this reason that, also in this Underground, I call upon Donald Trump not to bring a knife to this gunfight.

Trump and the GOP will lose this election if they move any further away from the life and moral issues. You cannot vote Satan down, and you certainly can't appease his minions with compromise!

We also get into the London riots which, thanks to the Global Elites, are the beginning of the worldwide race riots they intend to use to destabilize the world and establish a global police state to restore order.

We Christians can’t let them get away with this, and here’s how we’re going to fight back:

In Christo Rege,
Michael J. Matt

P.S. Don’t forget: Karen at YouTube is still restricting our content. No problem. We’ve moved on. But do catch our videos first and completely unedited at our own privately funded platform --

2 months ago (edited) | [YT] | 783


Olympic Bread and Circuses

Dear Friends: What the heck is going on? While I was in Africa, all hell broke loose – riots in London, a good old-fashioned coup in Washington, and a dramatic assassination attempt in Butler, PA.

I share a few thoughts on the Rise of Clown World in this week's Underground:

And if all that wasn’t enough, the clowns running the Paris Olympics decided in their ineffable wisdom to extend a massive middle finger to the entire Christian world. This is all about as adolescent as it could possibly be, of course. Clearly there are no adults in charge of the International Olympics Bread and Circuses Committee.

The good news? Well, it seems like every sane person on the planet has had enough. In this Underground, I’m happy to point out that even the rightful heir to the throne of France is spitting-mad at what the Godless wonders are doing to his country. Who knows, before this is over maybe we’ll be heading over the Rheims for a coronation of the Catholic king. Sure hope so!

By the way, our mission to unite with the African clans was a tremendous success. It took seven days to climb Mount Kilimanjaro, but I got to serve the Latin Mass every day all the way up to the summit. And when I got down, I found African allies all over the place – from scores of Latin Mass priests and sisters, to schools bursting with potential vocations to the priesthood, even to a Maasai tribesman who is so sick and tired of billionaire white guys telling his people how to live their lives that he sat for a RTV interview to vent a little spleen. Talk about ‘uniting the clans’!

So, lots of really great clips from Africa in this one. I hope you’ll watch and share it, since the good news far outweighs the bad, and we sure could use a little good news today!

In Christo Rege,
Michael J. Matt

P.S. Don’t forget: Karen over at YouTube is still restricting our content. No problem. We’ve moved on. But do catch our videos first and completely unedited at our own privately funded platform --

2 months ago (edited) | [YT] | 351