Hi, I'm Misty!

I love #chocolate #pizza #goldenretrievers #watermelonskiing #networking #sales and #havingfun

In my day-to-day life I am a #salestrainer a #networkingevent #host for a group called #businessatbreakfast and I'd like to say #youtuber although my boys tell me differently. "Mum! anything less than a million subscribers and you're not a REAL YouTuber." But, hey, we all have to start at no.1

I teach classes on "Networking as a Sales Tool" "How to go from No Sales to Sales in five easy steps", "How to be a Network Marketer AND a Mum" "Overcoming Sales Anxiety" and "Whose Problem is it?" Let's just say I have a knack for simplifying sales, and overcoming sales objections, that everyone can learn, even if you don't want to.

My channel is an eclectic collection of videos from networking, teaching, my boys and my #goldies but they all hold one theme - PROMOTION. Selling is about promotion. Promotion of an idea, promotion of others, promotion of what you want.



Shared 1 month ago



Shared 4 months ago